# Write your notebook content Once activated, the MyST-NB Sphinx extension will automatically parse both markdown (`.md`) and Jupyter notebooks (`.ipynb`) into your Sphinx site. If your markdown files have [Jupytext metadata for MyST Notebooks](myst-nb/sphinx), they will be converted to notebooks and optionally executed. In any of these files, you may write [MyST Markdown](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io). This is an extension of CommonMark markdown that provides extra syntax for common workflows in publishing, and extension points for extra functionality. ## Writing MyST Markdown MyST Markdown is a flavor of markdown that gives you full access to all of the functionality provided by Sphinx (such as roles and directives). In MyST-NB, this is provided by the [MyST Parser](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), another Sphinx extension that MyST-NB depends on. You can write your MyST markdown in either regular markdown files (`.md`) or in the markdown cells of Jupyter Notebooks (`.ipynb`). :::{warning} If you are using MyST-NB in your documentation, do not activate `myst-parser`. It will be automatically activated by `myst-nb`. ::: For more information about what you can write with MyST Markdown, see the [MyST Parser syntax guide](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using/syntax.html). ## Write notebooks in pure markdown In addition to supporting MyST Markdown inside of `.md` and `.ipynb` files, you can also write Jupyter Notebooks entirelly with markdown by using [MyST Markdown Notebooks](markdown.md). MyST Notebooks have a similar structure to Jupyter Notebooks (`.ipynb`), but they are written with MyST Markdown syntax to be easier to use with text editors. To use MyST Notebooks with `myst_nb`, you'll need to add Jupytext metadata to your MyST Notebooks. See [](myst-nb/sphinx) for more details. ## Parse extensions other than `.md` and `.ipynb` You can change which files are parsed by MyST-NB using the [source_suffix](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#confval-source_suffix) option in your `conf.py`, e.g.: ```python extensions = ["myst_nb"] source_suffix = { '.rst': 'restructuredtext', '.ipynb': 'myst-nb', '.myst': 'myst-nb', } ```