# Get started This section covers how to get started with the `MyST-NB` Sphinx extension. The Sphinx extension allows you to read markdown (`.md`) and Jupyter Notebook (`.ipynb`) files into your Sphinx site. It also enables you to write [MyST Markdown](myst.md) in your pages. To get started with the extension, follow these steps. * **Install** `myst-nb` with the following command: ```console $ pip install myst-nb ``` * **Activate** the `myst_nb` extension in your Sphinx site by adding it to your list of Sphinx extensions in `conf.py`: ```python extensions = [ ..., "myst_nb" ] ``` * **Add MyST and notebook content** to your documentation's source files. Sphinx will now be able to parse **markdown files** written in [MyST Markdown](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io), Jupyter Notebooks (ending in `.ipynb`), and [Jupyter Notebooks written in plain-text with MyST markdown](markdown.md). Make sure to include paths to your content in a Sphinx `toctree` directive! * **Build your documentation**. MyST-NB will now parse any markdown (`.md`), Jupyter notebooks (`.ipynb`), and [text-based Notebooks](markdown.md) (`.md`) into your Sphinx site, and include them in the outputs. ## Next steps There is a lot more that you can do with MyST-NB. For example, you can define [custom text-based notebook formats](examples/custom_formats), [execute and cache notebook content](execute.md), and [format cell outputs](formatting_outputs.md). Check out the sections to the left under [Using with Sphinx](index.md) for more information.