--- file_format: mystnb kernelspec: name: coconut --- # Jupyter kernels A Jupyter Notebook can utilise any program kernel that implements the [Jupyter messaging protocol](http://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/messaging.html) for executing code. There are kernels available for [Python](http://ipython.org/notebook.html), [Julia](https://github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl), [Ruby](https://github.com/minad/iruby), [Haskell](https://github.com/gibiansky/IHaskell) and [many other languages](https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter/wiki/Jupyter-kernels). In this notebook we demonstrate executing code with the [Coconut Programming Language](http://coconut-lang.org), a variant of Python built for *simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming*. In the first example we will define a recursive `factorial` function, a fundamentally functional approach that doesn’t involve any state changes or loops: ```{code-cell} coconut def factorial(n): """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" case n: match 0: return 1 match x is int if x > 0: return x * factorial(x-1) else: raise TypeError("the argument to factorial must be an integer >= 0") 3 |> factorial |> print ``` Although this example is very basic, pattern-matching is both one of Coconut’s most powerful and most complicated features. In the second example, we implement the quick sort algorithm. This quick_sort algorithm works using a bunch of new constructs: ```{code-cell} coconut def quick_sort(l): """Sort the input iterator using the quick sort algorithm.""" match [head] :: tail in l: tail = reiterable(tail) yield from quick_sort(left) :: [head] :: quick_sort(right) where: left = (x for x in tail if x < head) right = (x for x in tail if x >= head) # By yielding nothing if the match falls through, we implicitly return an empty iterator. [3,0,4,2,1] |> quick_sort |> list |> print ``` Finally, we see that exceptions are raised as one would expect: ```{code-cell} coconut :tags: [raises-exception] x ```