# Get Started `myst-nb` is distributed as a Python package and requires no non-Python dependencies. Use pip to install `myst-nb`: ```bash pip install myst-nb ``` You can use the `mystnb-quickstart` CLI to quickly create an example Sphinx + MyST-NB project: ```bash mystnb-quickstart my_project/ ``` or simply add `myst_nb` to your existing Sphinx configuration: ```python extensions = [ ..., "myst_nb" ] ``` By default, MyST-NB will now parse both markdown (`.md`) and notebooks (`.ipynb`). ```{button-ref} authoring/intro :ref-type: myst :color: primary Begin authoring your content {material-regular}`navigate_next;2em` ``` Once you have finished authoring your content, you can now use the [sphinx-build CLI](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/man/sphinx-build.html) to build your documentation, e.g. ```bash sphinx-build -nW --keep-going -b html docs/ docs/_build/html ``` :::{tip} MyST-NB is parallel-friendly, so you can also distribute the build (and execution of notebooks) over *N* processes with: `sphinx-build -j 4` ::: :::{seealso} Check out [Read the Docs](https://docs.readthedocs.io) for hosting and *continuous deployment* of documentation :::