

Jupyter Notebook Publishing

A Sphinx and Docutils extension for compiling Jupyter Notebooks into high quality documentation formats.

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Mix Jupyter notebooks with text-based notebooks, Markdown and RST documents.
Use MyST Markdown syntax to support technical authoring features such as cross-referencing, figures, and admonitions.


Generate dynamic outputs using Jupyter kernels, with configurable execution handling.
Cache execution outputs, for fast re-builds.


Convert Jupyter execution outputs to rich embedded content.
Insert computed variables within the document flow.
Build single or collections of documents into multiple formats (HTML, PDF, …).

MyST-NB is a module within the Executable Books Project, an international collaboration to build open source tools that facilitate publishing computational narratives using the Jupyter ecosystem. It is also a core component of Jupyter Book.

Check out the Gallery of Jupyter Books, for inspiration from across the community.

See also, the MyST-Markdown VS Code extension and jupyterlab-myst, for editor tools to author your notebooks.