# Get started This section covers how to get started with the `MyST-NB` Sphinx extension. The Sphinx extension allows you to read markdown (`.md`) and Jupyter Notebook (`.ipynb`) files into your Sphinx site. It also enables you to write [MyST Markdown](myst.md) in your pages. ## Install and activate To install `myst-nb`, do the following: * **Install** `myst-nb` with the following command: ```bash pip install myst-nb ``` * **Activate** the `myst_nb` extension in your Sphinx site by adding it to your list of Sphinx extensions in `conf.py`: ```python extensions = [ ..., "myst_nb" ] ``` Once you do this, MyST-NB will now parse both markdown (`.md`), Jupyter notebooks (`.ipynb`), and even [text-based Notebooks](markdown.md) (`.md`) into your Sphinx site (see also [custom notebook formats](examples/custom_formats)). (start/error-reporting)= ## Sphinx Error Reporting For `.md` files, sphinx will correctly report the line number that the error or warning is associated with: ``` source/path:4: (WARNING/2) Duplicate reference definition: abc ``` For `.ipynb` files, these errors also correspond to a cell index. To allow for this, we use a special format of line number corresponding to: ` * 10000 + LINE_NUMBER`, for example: ``` source/path:10004: (WARNING/2) Duplicate reference definition: abc ``` (start/config-options)= ## MyST-NB configuration options The MyST-NB parser derives from {ref}`the base MyST-Parser `, and so all the same configuration options are available. See the {ref}`MyST configuration options ` for the full set of options. MyST-NB then adds some additional configuration, specific to notebooks. Firstly for execution: `````{list-table} :header-rows: 1 * - Option - Default - Description * - `jupyter_cache` - "" - Path to jupyter_cache, [see here](execute/cache) for details. * - `execution_excludepatterns` - () - Exclude certain file patterns from execution, [see here](execute/config) for details. * - `jupyter_execute_notebooks` - "auto" - The logic for executing notebooks, [see here](execute/config) for details. * - `execution_in_temp` - `False` - If `True`, then a temporary directory will be created and used as the command working directory (cwd), if `False` then the notebook's parent directory will be the cwd. * - `execution_allow_errors` - `False` - If `False`, when a code cell raises an error the execution is stopped, if `True` then all cells are always run. This can also be overridden by metadata in a notebook, [see here](execute/allow_errors) for details. * - `execution_timeout` - 30 - The maximum time (in seconds) each notebook cell is allowed to run. This can also be overridden by metadata in a notebook, [see here](execute/timeout) for details. * - `execution_show_tb` - `False` - Show failed notebook tracebacks in stdout (in addition to writing to file). ````` Then for parsing and output rendering: `````{list-table} :header-rows: 1 * - Option - Default - Description * - `nb_custom_formats` - `{}` - Define custom functions for conversion of files to notebooks, [see here](examples/custom_formats) for details. * - `nb_render_priority` - `{}` - Dict override for MIME type render priority, [see here](use/format/priority) for details. * - `nb_render_plugin` - `default` - Entry point pointing toward a code cell output renderer, [see here](use/format/cutomise) for details. * - `nb_render_text_lexer` - `myst-ansi` - pygments lexer for rendering text outputs, [see here](use/format/ansi) for details. `````