Output Renderer

Output Renderer

A Sphinx post-transform, to convert notebook outpus to AST nodes.

class myst_nb.render_outputs.CellOutputsToNodes(document, startnode=None)[source]

Bases: sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.SphinxPostTransform

Use the builder context to transform a CellOutputNode into Sphinx nodes.

default_priority = 4

Numerical priority of this transform, 0 through 999 (override).


Main method of post transforms.

Subclasses should override this method instead of apply().

exception myst_nb.render_outputs.MystNbEntryPointError[source]

Bases: sphinx.errors.SphinxError

category = 'MyST NB Renderer Load'
myst_nb.render_outputs.load_renderer(name: str) myst_nb.render_outputs.CellOutputRendererBase[source]

Load a renderer, given a name within the myst_nb.mime_render entry point group

class myst_nb.render_outputs.CellOutputRendererBase(document: docutils.nodes.document, node: myst_nb.nodes.CellOutputBundleNode, sphinx_dir: str)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

An abstract base class for rendering Notebook outputs to docutils nodes.

Subclasses should implement the render method.

__init__(document: docutils.nodes.document, node: myst_nb.nodes.CellOutputBundleNode, sphinx_dir: str)[source]

sphinx_dir – Sphinx “absolute path” to the output folder, so it is a relative path to the source folder prefixed with /.

add_name(node: docutils.nodes.Node, name: str)[source]

Append name to node[‘names’].

Also normalize the name string and register it as explicit target.

add_source_and_line(*nodes: List[docutils.nodes.Node])[source]

Add the source and line recursively to all nodes.

cell_output_to_nodes(data_priority: List[str]) List[docutils.nodes.Node][source]

Convert a jupyter cell with outputs and filenames to doctree nodes.

  • outputs – a list of outputs from a Jupyter cell

  • data_priority – media type by priority.


list of docutils nodes

make_error(error_msg: str) docutils.nodes.system_message[source]

Raise an exception or generate a warning if appropriate, and return a system_message node

make_severe(error_msg: str) docutils.nodes.system_message[source]

Raise an exception or generate a warning if appropriate, and return a system_message node

make_warning(error_msg: str) docutils.nodes.system_message[source]

Raise an exception or generate a warning if appropriate, and return a system_message node

parse_markdown(text: str, parent: Optional[docutils.nodes.Node] = None) List[docutils.nodes.Node][source]

Parse text as CommonMark, in a new document.

abstract render(mime_type: str, output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int) List[docutils.nodes.Node][source]

Take a MIME bundle and MIME type, and return zero or more nodes.

class myst_nb.render_outputs.CellOutputRenderer(document: docutils.nodes.document, node: myst_nb.nodes.CellOutputBundleNode, sphinx_dir: str)[source]

Bases: myst_nb.render_outputs.CellOutputRendererBase

create_render_image(mime_type: str)[source]
render(mime_type: str, output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int) List[docutils.nodes.Node][source]

Take a MIME bundle and MIME type, and return zero or more nodes.

render_application_javascript(output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int)[source]
render_stderr(output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int)[source]

Output a container with an unhighlighted literal block.

render_stdout(output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int)[source]
render_text_html(output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int)[source]
render_text_latex(output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int)[source]
render_text_markdown(output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int)[source]
render_text_plain(output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int)[source]
render_traceback(output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int)[source]
render_widget(output: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode, index: int)[source]