Get started


Get started

This section covers how to get started with the MyST-NB Sphinx extension. The Sphinx extension allows you to read markdown (.md) and Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) files into your Sphinx site. It also enables you to write MyST Markdown in your pages.

To get started with the extension, follow these steps.

  • Install myst-nb with the following command:

    $ pip install myst-nb
  • Activate the myst_nb extension in your Sphinx site by adding it to your list of Sphinx extensions in

    extensions = [
  • Add MyST and notebook content to your documentation’s source files. Sphinx will now be able to parse markdown files written in MyST Markdown, Jupyter Notebooks (ending in .ipynb), and Jupyter Notebooks written in plain-text with MyST markdown. Make sure to include paths to your content in a Sphinx toctree directive!

  • Build your documentation. MyST-NB will now parse any markdown (.md), Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb), and text-based Notebooks (.md) into your Sphinx site, and include them in the outputs.

Next steps

There is a lot more that you can do with MyST-NB. For example, you can define custom text-based notebook formats, execute and cache notebook content, and format cell outputs.

Check out the sections to the left under Using with Sphinx for more information.