Change Log

v0.13.2 - 2022-02-10

This release improves for cell outputs and brings UI improvements for toggling cell inputs and outputs. It also includes several bugfixes.

0.13.1 - 2021-10-04

✨ NEW: nb_merge_streams configuration [PR #364]

If nb_merge_streams=True, all stdout / stderr output streams are merged into single outputs. This ensures deterministic outputs.

0.13.0 - 2021-09-02

Upgraded to sphinx v4 ⬆️

The primary change in this release is to update the requirements of myst-nb from sphinx>=2,<4 to sphinx>=3,<5 to support sphinx>=4 [PR #356].

  • 👌 IMPROVE: Allows more complex suffixes in notebooks [PR #328]

  • ⬆️ UPDATE: myst-parser to 0.15.2 [PR #353]

  • ⬆️ UPGRADE: nbconvert 6 support [PR #326]

  • ⬆️ UPGRADE: markdown-it-py v1.0 [PR #320]

  • 🔧 MAINT: Pin ipykernel to ~v5.5 [PR #347]

  • 🔧 MAINT: Make a more specific selector for no-border [PR #344]

Many thanks to @akhmerov, @bollwyvl, @choldgraf, @chrisjsewell, @juhuebner, @mmcky

0.12.1 - 2021-04-25

  • ⬆️ UPDATE: jupyter_sphinx to 0.3.2: fixes Notebook code has no file extension metadata warning)

  • ⬆️ UPDATE: importlib_metadata to 3.6: to use new entry point loading interface

  • Official support for Python 3.9

(0.12.2 and 0.12.3 fix a regression, when working with the entry point loading interface)

0.12.0 - 2021-02-23

This release adds an experimental MyST-NB feature to enable loading of code from a file for code-cell directives using a :load: <file> option.

Usage information is available in the docs

0.11.1 - 2021-01-20

Minor update to handle MyST-Parser v0.13.3 and v4.5 notebooks.

0.11.0 - 2021-01-12

This release updates MyST-Parser to v0.13, which is detailed in the myst-parser changelog.

The primary change is to the extension system, with extensions now all loaded via myst_enable_extensions = ["dollarmath", ...], and a number of extensions added or improved.

0.10.2 - 2021-01-12

Minor fixes:

  • 🐛 FIX: empty myst file read

  • 🐛 FIX: remove cell background-color CSS for cells

  • 🔧 MAINTAIN: Pin jupyter-sphinx version

0.10.1 - 2020-09-08

⬆️ UPGRADE: myst-parser v0.12.9

Minor bug fixes and enhancements / new features

0.10.0 - 2020-08-28

⬆️ UPGRADE: jupyter-sphinx v0.3, jupyter-cache v0.4.1 and nbclient v0.5.

These upgrades allow for full Windows OS compatibility, and improve the stability of notebook execution on small machines.

👌 IMPROVE: Formatting of stderr is now similar to stdout, but with a slight red background.

🧪 TESTS: Add Windows CI

0.9.2 - 2020-08-27

⬆️ UPGRADE: myst-parser patch version

to ensure a few new features and bug fixes are incorporated (see its

0.9.1 - 2020-08-24

More configuration!

  • ✨ NEW: Add stderr global configuration: nb_output_stderr (see removing stderr)

  • ✨ NEW: Add nb_render_key configuration (see formatting outputs)

  • 🐛 FIX: auto execution not recognising (and skipping) notebooks with existing outputs

0.9.0 - 2020-08-24

This versions see’s many great changes; utilising the ⬆️ upgrade to myst-parser=v0.12 and accompanying ⬆️ upgrade to sphinx=v3, as well as major refactors to the execution (#236) and code output rendering (#243). Plus much more configuration options, to allow for a more configurable workflow (the defaults work great as well!).

Below is a summary of the changes, and you can also check out many examples in the documentation,, and the MyST-Parser Changelog for all the new Markdown parsing features available:

New ✨

  • Custom notebook formats:

    Configuration and logic has been added for designating additional file types to be converted to Notebooks, which are then executed & parsed in the same manner as regular Notebooks. See Custom Notebook Formats for details.

  • Allow for configuration of render priority (per output format) with nb_render_priority.

  • The code cell output renderer class is now loaded from an entry-point, with a configurable name, meaning that anyone can provide their own renderer subclass. See Customise the render process for details.

  • Assignment of metadata tags remove-stdout and remove-stderr for removal of the relevant outputs (see here)

  • Render text/markdown MIME types with an integrated CommonMark parser (see here).

  • Add code output image formatting, via cell metadata, including size, captions and labelling (see here).

  • Notebook outputs ANSI lexer which is applied to stdout/stderr and text/plain outputs, and is configurable via nb_render_text_lexer (see here).

  • Capture execution data in sphinx env, which can be output into the documentation, with the nb-exec-table directive. See Execution statistics for details.

Improved 👌

  • Standardise auto/cache execution

    Both now call the same underlying function (from jupyter-cache) and act the same. This improves auto, by making it output error reports and not raising an exception on an error. Additional config has also been added: execution_allow_errors and execution_in_temp. As for for timeout, allow_errors can also be set in the notebook metadata.execution.allow_errors This presents one breaking change, in that cache will now by default execute in a the local folder as the CWD (not a temporary one).

Fixed 🐛

  • Code cell source code is now assigned the correct lexer when using custom kernels (39c1bb9)

Documented 📚

  • Add example of using kernels other than Python (676eb2c)

Refactored ♻️

  • Add more signature typing and docstrings

  • Move config value validation to separate function

  • Rename functions in and improve their logical flow

  • Rename variable stored in sphinx environment, to share same suffix:

    • path_to_cache -> nb_path_to_cache

    • allowed_nb_exec_suffixes -> nb_allowed_exec_suffixes

    • excluded_nb_exec_paths -> nb_excluded_exec_paths

  • Initial Nb output rendering:

    • Ensure source (path, lineno) are correctly propagated to CellOutputBundleNode

    • Capture cell level metadata in CellOutputBundleNode

    • New CellOutputRenderer class to contain render methods

    • Simplify test code, using sphinx get_doctree and get_and_resolve_doctree methods

0.8.5 - 2020-08-11

Improved 👌

  • Add configuration for traceback in stderr (#218)

Fixed 🐛

  • MIME render priority lookup

Upgrades ⬆️

  • myst-parser -> 0.9

  • jupyter-cache to v0.3.0

Documented 📚

  • More explanation of myst notebooks (#213)

  • Update contributing guide

Contributors for previously releases

Thanks to all these contributors 🙏:

@AakashGfude | @akhmerov | @amueller | @choldgraf | @chrisjsewell | @codecov | @consideRatio | @jstac | @matthew-brett | @mmcky | @phaustin | @rossbar | @rowanc1 | @seanpue | @stefanv | @TomDonoghue | @tonyfast | @welcome